They chase down Umbra as more entries of the Vitruvian become unlocked by accessing his memories. The memory abruptly ends, and the Operator finds out that Umbra has escaped the ship, rejecting Transference. A Dax soldier subjected to injections of a Helminth Infestation strain to produce skin-grafted armor and modified organs, akin to the typical Warframe design process during the Old War. The Tenno learns of Umbra's origins as a personal punishment from Ballas upon a Dax soldier for spying on him during his late betrayal of the Orokin. Upon equipping him in the Arsenal, he immediately goes berserk and damages his own helmet to reveal an eye, then pins the Operator into a wall until they enter his mind using Transference.

Uploading the Vitruvian into the ship's mainframe gave the ability to craft Excalibur Umbra. This Vitruvian contained recordings made by Ballas on his betrayal to the Orokin during The Old War and the origin of Warframes. A visit to Lua yielded a Vitruvian device found within a containment lab that belonged to Ballas. Trace minerals on Umbra's Skiajati Nikana suggest that more information can be found on Lua. Ordis attempts to recreate him in the Foundry based on scans of his remains but lacks sufficient data to do so. The Warframe in question, Excalibur Umbra, was out of sight - only his remains survived his fight with the Sentients. As the Operator touches the helm, visions of a Warframe being restrained by Ballas and Sentient fighters flow in their mind, prompting them towards Earth to investigate. Her voice directs them towards her helmet within the Orbiter's Personal Quarters. The Tenno hears faint whispers of the recently abandoned Lotus. 2.1 Investigate Sentient Energy: Lith, Earth.