Unfortunately only gcode for an Ender 3 is available. Sadly there isn't an easy way to change this now. The pcbs are printed with my previous website domain. I currently have 4 pcbs left and would be more than happy to send one to you! Contact me on my website if you're interested and maybe we can work something out. I created the pcbs with Altium Designer for which I have now lost my previous student license, therefore it might be hard to gather the project files. I have included an image of the schematic, and gerber files to produce the pcb. I bought this in Sweden and pried it open. While the stl-files are not yet uploaded I'll try to make this happen soon. Lastly I enclosed the project in a 3D-printed case. I currently have 4 pieces left if anyone is interested. This current drain pulse is enough for the power bank to be tricked into thinking it powers for example a cell phone, and therefore stays on.įor the project I designed a pcb, that was later manufactured by jlcpcb. Therefore I added an NPN transistor that is switched on for a 1s pulse by an Arduino GPIO pin every 15s, whereafter current is drained through the power bank over a low value resistor. The power bank I used turns off automatically after ~30s if no sufficient current is detected.

It is powered by a power bank, for easy charging. The timer uses two capacitive touch sensors to count how many minutes to count down from, and a piezo buzzer as alarm. The project uses the Adafruit_SSD1306 library for I2C communication and the Adafruit-GFX library for graphics.

This is an timer with an OLED display, powered by an Arduino Nano. Contact me if you're interested in getting a pcb.
Multiple countdown timers in arduino code code#
At its current state the code is neither commented or structured very well, this might change in the future. A timer with an OLED display and capacitive touch buttons, powered by an Arduino Nano.